experts of coffee studios
Benito-Miguel Schwankhart
Benito, with his original expertise in User Experience Design, early recognized the immense potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence and dedicated his expertise to fostering a meaningful synergy between AI and design. His proficiency and profound understanding of the intersection of these two disciplines, gave him a distinct edge.

In his role as an academic member at a reputable German university, he plays a significant role in educating and nurturing a new generation of AI experts who benefit from his experience and exceptional expertise.

#UX Design #Web Design #Generative AI  #Mentor
Nikolaj Ivanov
During his studies, Nikolaj delved deeply into the realms of Data Science, Machine Learning, and business, quickly becoming an integral part of his faculty. Through his personal dedication in this field, he acquired expertise that extends beyond the confines of academia. This allows him to comprehend Artificial Intelligence at a sophisticated level and integrate it into a business context.

Since his graduation, he has devoted his time to knowledge dissemination and assisting companies in identifying and efficiently implementing AI within their corporate structures.

#Data Analytics #Maschine Learning #KI im Buiness #Growth Enabler